Checklist for Publishing and Releasing Corpora
1. New and revised docs should be reviewed by a Senior editor.
Check questions from annotators in the document and/or pull request
read through the document
use Google Refine to see if errors in tokenization, pos-tagging, lang-tagging, morph annotation, and normalization pop out
use the validation add-in (when available) to confirm normalized annotation spans cover the same spans as the original column spans, group layer spans are the same size, etc.
Pay close attention to names of annotators, version number, and version date for documents. We now use the SAME version # and date on new documents as on corpus metadata; this version # corresponds with our corpus release # on Github. All documents and corpora will have the same release # (whether new docs/corpora or edited and released docs/corpora). Do not change the version #/date on any documents that have not been edited or revised
3. Check the Issues list for each corpus to be released (whether new or revised versions of documents) on GitHub.
We now use the SAME version # and date on revised documents as on corpora. Give the revised documents the same version # and date as the updated version # and date going in the corpus metadata (see step 5 below).
Note: an annotator may have made a minor change a while back and changed the version # and version date, even though the revised document has not yet been published. We do not republish a corpus every time we make a minor revision to one document. You may wish to check the document's version # in our development files against the number in ANNIS if you have any questions. A discrepancy means someone has edited the document; please make sure the version # & date are correct.
Note: the information in this section describes the workflow before we migrated to Gitdox. This section needs to be updated.
Corpus metadata appears on the first document in a corpus.
Pay close attention to names of annotators: the names of all annotators of all documents in a corpus should be in the corpus metadata; if someone has edited one document, be sure that person's name appears in the corpus metadata.
Version date should be the date of re-release.
Version # corresponds to the version of the Github release: +1.0.0 for major change to data and/or structure (entirely new layer annotation, entirely new tokenization method applied, etc.); +0.1.0 for significant edits but still structurally compatible with previous versions; +.0.0.1 for minor edits, e.g. fixing reported errors in transcription or pos-tags). All corpora released should have the same version # & date.
6. Validate the file.
7. Convert to TEI and PAULA and relANNIS and publish on SCRIPTORIUM ANNIS server.
Typically performed by AZ.
8. Check ANNIS visualizations to be certain there are no obvious bugs in the corpora or stylesheet.
Edit files as necessary.
If files have been published on the public server, be sure to update the version number and date number for corpora and files.
Repeat steps 7 & 8 if significant problems and/or edits.
9. Convert to TEI XML.
Each document in the corpus will be converted to TEI XML using the converter program developed by Amir Zeldes. (AZ typically does this step.)
Edit if necessary if problems with validation.
If files have been published on the public server, be sure to update the version number and date number for corpora and files edited post-conversion.
Re-convert to TEI XML after editing, check validation, update versioning; repeat as necessary.
10. Convert to PAULA & relANNIS and publish on ANNIS server
Typically performed by AZ.
11. Post TEI, relANNIS and PAULA files to GitHub public repository in their respective directories
13. Create a new release of the GitHub corpora repository, posting information about the latest changes in the release.
14. Update the urn mapping file.
15. New ingest at to account for new data.