Metadata at the corpus level includes the following fields. See our [[annotation_layer_names| annotation layer name documentation]] for document-level metadata. |annotation| names of anyone involved in annotation of any kind (transcription, annotation, editing, etc.) for all texts in the corpus, separated by a comma and a space between the names| |corpus| the name of the corpus as it will appear on or in ANNIS| |Greek_source| optional; information about source for Greek aligned text| |copyright| optional; copyright information, currently only used in machine-annotated Sahidica corpus| |languages| language(s) of texts in the corpus, usually Sahidic Coptic| |license| optional; license under which the corpus is published (included when not Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's usual CC-BY, such as for the Sahidica)| |project| name of project supporting the transcription/annotation/publication (e.g., Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, KoMET, etc.)| |source| optional; source of material for publication, if applicable, for instance, for the doc.papyri corpus| |tagger_version| optional; version of tagger used on corpus, currently used only in machine-annotated corpora| |tokenizer_version| optional; version of tokenizer used on corpus, currently used on in machine-annotated corpora| |translation| name of translators for all texts in the corpus, separated by commas| |version_date| the most recent date of publication for any text in the corpus in yyyy-mm-dd format| |version_n| updated for any publication of new data for the corpus|