Table of Contents

Web Application for URN Resolver and Repository: the Administrative Interface

Logging In

To access the administrative interface of the URN Resolver, navigate to the path /admin following the domain where the URN Resolver application is set up. For instance, if the URN Resolver application is set up at, navigate to

At the login screen, login with the username “admin” and the password provided for the application.

The administrative homepage

The administrative homepage lists the application modules that have content types associated with them. For instance, the “ANNIS” module has an “ANNIS Servers” content type associated with it. The homepage provides the basic layout for managing site tasks and functions.

The Recent Actions sidebar shows recent site activity, such as creating, editing, or removing content.

The ANNIS module

The ANNIS module defines a single content type, ANNIS Server, which controls where the URN resolver application ingests data from, including HTML visualizations and metadata for corpora and texts.

The site modules on the administrative homepage

There are several custom site modules (including “ANNIS”, “API”, “Ingest, “Texts”, and “URN” modules in addition to the primary “Coptic” module), and the site modules available through the administrative interface are the “ANNIS”, “Ingest”, and “Texts” modules. In addition to these three custom modules, in the administrative interface, there is a “Authentication and Authorization” module that controls the application Users and user Groups.

ANNIS Server:

Title: The Title field on the ANNIS Server is a descriptive title for use by an administrator to know which ANNIS Server they are referencing.

Base domain: The base domain field on the ANNIS Server is the base domain for the install of the ANNIS Server, which will be used in constructing queries to the ANNIS server.

Corpus metadata url: The corpus metadata url is used to query and ingest metadata about corpora given the replacement field “:corpus_name”, which is defined on the corpus object.

Corpus docname url: The corpus docname url is the url which the ingest module uses to query ANNIS for a list of document names associated with a given corpus. It also uses the replacement field “:corpus_name” for constructing queries.

Document metadata url: The document metadata url is used by the ingest for querying and ingesting document metadata as Text Meta items, utilizing the “:corpus_name” and “:document_name” replacement parameters.

HTML visualization url: The HTML visualization url is used by the ingest for querying html visualizations and references the “:corpus_name”, “:document_name”, and “:html_visualization_format” replacement fields for constructing its queries.

The Authentication and Authorization module

The Authentication and Authorization module provides an interface for creating and editing authorized users and groups of permissions for those users.

The default URN Resolver application user has the username “admin”. In order to update information on the admin user account, such as the password, from the Administrative home page, select “Users”, then select the “admin” user by clicking on the “admin” username. Then in the password area, click the link at the end of the sentence “you can change the password using this form”.

The URN Resolver application currently has no Groups defined. To see more information about creating more users and groups, see the official Django support documentation at

The Ingest module

The ingest module defines the content types to create ingests (“Ingests”) and expire ingests (“Expire ingests”). Neither Ingests nor Expire Ingests have fields to configure before creating them—in order to create a new Ingest or expire old ingests by creating a new Expire Ingest, an administrator can click “Add” and then “Save”


This content type is used for creating a new ingest that ingests corpora metadata; lists of document names to be created as Texts; document metadata to be created as Text Metadata, Search Fields, and Search Field Values; and HTML Visualizations. More information about this is provided in Section 2.

Expire Ingest:

This content type is used for expiring the HTML visualizations on the texts in the resolver. When a new Expire Ingest is created, all texts are set as expired, and when a user visits an expired text, the HTML visualizations for that text will be reingested from ANNIS.

The Texts Module

The Texts module is where the data for the Corpora, Corpus Meta Items, HTML Visualizations, HTML Visualizations Formats, Search Fields, Search Field Values, Texts, and Text Meta Items is defined. Many of these values are auto-populated by creating a new Ingest.


Title: The title is the title that will be displayed on the URN Resolver application for the corpus.

Slug: The slug is the internal identifier used by the application to sort corpora and construct URLs.

URN code: The URN code is displayed next to the title of the corpus on the front end of the application.

ANNIS code: The ANNIS code is used to link to the corpus in the ANNIS interface.

ANNIS corpus name: The ANNIS corpus name is used to construct queries to ANNIS to retrieve lists of document names and other metadata from ANNIS ingested as Corpus Meta Items.

Github: The Github link is used for providing links to the TEI, PAULA, and relANNIS versions of the data associated with the corpus.

HTML Visualization Formats: The HTML visualization formats field is a link between the corpus and the HTML Visualization Formats content types. The HTML Visualization Format content types are used to tell the URN Resolver application how to ingest HTML Visualizations from ANNIS. To select a HTML Visualization Format to associate with a corpus, click on the HTML Visualization Format name. To select multiple, hold down Control (Windows) or Command (Apple) and click on the HTML Visualization Formats.

Corpus meta: Corpus meta is defined automatically by the ingest and shows the links between a Corpus and Corpus Meta Items.

Corpus Meta Items:

Corpus meta items are defined automatically from the XML response from ANNIS for metadata associated with each corpus. The fields as ingested as they exist in the XML response from ANNIS.

Corpus meta items are currently not used anywhere else in the resolver, but they were asked to be included for easier reference in future iterations of the project.

HTML Visualization Formats:

Title: The Title is displayed above the HTML Visualization when viewed in the front end interface.

Button title: The button is displayed on the link to access the HTML Visualization for the format selected by a user.

Slug: The slug is the internal name to be used in queries for HTML Visualizations from ANNIS.

HTML Visualizations:

The HTML Visualizations exist as they are ingested from ANNIS including HTML and CSS ingested from the HTML Visualization initialized by the Vaadin HTML viewer in ANNIS. They are associated with Texts and HTML Visualization Formats automatically during an ingest.

Search Field Values:

Search Field Values are used for populating the search tools. Each Search Field Value is is linked to a single Search Field and several Texts and is created automatically during an ingest from the Text Meta Items ingested for each text, as the search field values are configured from the “splittable” setting on their corresponding Search Field.

Search Fields:

Search Fields are used for organizing the Search Field Values that are created automatically from Text Meta Items on each ingest. They are created automatically, but the “splittable” and “order” fields persist across ingests for Search Fields with the same “annis_name” as ingested from XML response for document-level metadata.

Title: The title is display title for the search field as it appears in the search tools.

ANNIS name: The ANNIS name is the name of the metadata field as it exists in the ANNIS XML response for document-level metadata.

Order: The order is the order of where this search field appears in the search tools. Only the first five search fields are displayed as it was requested to hide the other search fields in an advanced search tools dropdown panel which can be added at a later iteration of the project.

Splittable: The splittable field defines how the list of items in the Text Meta Item ingested for a given text is split into different search fields. “, “ is one example of a common splittable field value.

Text Meta Items:

Text Meta Items are created automatically from the document level metadata query made for each Text during an ingest. They are displayed when the document is selected in the URN Resolver and do not require any manual configurations.


All of the data for a Text is created automatically on the ingest. Texts are related to a single Corpus, a single Ingest, many HTML Visualizations, and many Text Meta fields. None of this data requires manual configuration in the URN Resolver. When a Text is expired after an Administrator creates a new “Expire Ingest”, the “Is expired” field will appear checked.